
Alan Sher L.Ac.

In 1973 while I was a pre-med/psychology student at the University of Connecticut I read my first book about Oriental Medicine, Healing Ourselves by Naboru Muramoto.  The dedication read as follows:

“To every mother, father and child

To all people of good will

To you reader,

Life – Full of Health and Goodness”

This resonated with me and I was immediately drawn to read and study this book.  It was basically a primer on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Macrobiotics.  It included sections on Yin and Yang, the Theory of th Five Elements, diagnosis, understanding disease, treatment principles, keeping ourselves healthy with food plus a wonderful section detailing about seventy-five Chinese herbal formulas with their respective ingredients and applications.

I used the book extensively, helping to keep my friends and myself healthy.  As my passion for this ancient wisdom grew, I attended Emperor’s College of Traditional Oriental Medicine and graduated Summa cum laude.  Classes and studies were certainly valuable, but I quickly discovered that being in a clinical situation with a well seasoned supervisor was the best way to gain the knowledge necessary to practice medicine and be a truly effective healer.

Upon graduation I knew of only one doctor who maintained a true mentoring and teaching clinic.  Thus, it was my great fortune at that time to be accepted into the practice of Dr Matt Van Benschoten as a student, apprentice and practitioner.  I had been a patient of his for a number of years and knew him to be the most gifted, knowledgeable and experienced Doctor of Oriental Medicine.  His commitment to teaching and mentoring were as great as his dedication to his patients.

My intention then, as now, was to become the best doctor that I could be and to learn as much as possible from working in this remarkable clinic.  From routine headaches and neck pain to multiple autoimmune diseases and every type and stage of cancer, I observed and helped treat the most complex clinical situations imaginable.  No other doctor that I knew of had as much success treating these challenging types of conditions.  Very soon I too was having excellent results while learning more than I ever dreamed possible.

The primary lesson I learned is that getting a positive result is what matters most and to accomplish that I need to be uncompromising and “leave no stone unturned” in determining the correct diagnosis and exact treatment principle necessary in restoring a patient’s good health.  This means utilizing every aspect of Chinese medicine, which is infinitely vast and precise, as well as taking advantage of the latest modern research available which has been gathered and synthesized from all over the world by Dr Matt Van Benschoten.

Moving forward, my intention is to build and grow on this solid foundation for the benefit of all of my patients.

My passion in life is kindness and helping others in need. Luckily, practicing Chinese Medicine allows me to do just that. While studying macrobiotics I also developed a working knowledge of traditional Chinese Herbal formulas and the most commonly used herbs. After graduating Summa Cum Laude from Emperor’s College in 1999 I have accumulated hundreds of hours of continuing education. More importantly, I spent thousands of hours for over 15 years, working directly with Dr Matt Van Benschoten, before forming True Path Wellness, treating patients with some of the most aggressive and challenging conditions. My intention is to be as precise and as thorough as possible in achieving the best possible outcomes for my patients. I welcome the opportunity to help with any of your healthcare needs.